Saturday, June 21, 2014

What Happens in Vegas, Stays on the Internet.

In February, my friend Devon and I went to Las Vegas, Nevada for some hard core gambling. No, we were just underaged, teen babies traveling with our families on vacation. Though we were legally incapable of shooting craps and winning the jackpot, we enjoyed ourselves until the early hours of the morning exploring this grand, amusement park looking hotel. With a little help from my friend Canon Rebel T3, we click, click, flashed all the way from the entrance back to our rooms.

D, clearly amused by the exciting night life.





Chinese New Year pt.1

V+D ♥ MK

"It's getting late"

Because my back is far more entertaining than casual, drunken, Vegas weddings.


D - "swift"

Tastes hot, feels cold.

Chinese New Year pt.2

I really like the black and white filter usage on these pictures. I adore the contrast between the lights and darks, all the different tones of grey, etc...I feel that black and white makes everything far more intimate and emotional no matter the subject in the photograph/film/(whatever you're creating).

1 comment:

  1. I so want to go to Vegas!!! :) x
